Jun 5, 2010

Gettin out of the city

This is my last day in Xela for two weeks. I´ll be heading up to Escuela de las Montañas which is the sister school of PLQ here in the city. There are only 10 students up there at any point, and instead of living with a family, you live in the school house and then walk to the neighbouring communities at meal times to eat with campesino families.

Yesterday I was feeling a little sad that I would be leaving the city, and perhaps be bored with heading to the mountains for so long. But today I realized that its time for a change, and I know I´m going to appreciate the tranquilitiy a lot, more than I know right now. I feel like Ive been too lazy to take advantage of what the city has going on lately anyway.

I am actually having my first bout of homesickness, I think. I really am getting excited to go back to Vancouver and get 4th year underway. Oh well, if anything, its nice to have something to look forward to!

Earlier this week, the school had a clean up organized, to help people whos houses were flooded. My group of 5 people spent about 4 hours cleaning only two rooms of a host family´s house. The mud and damage was ridiculous. The school also brought food and water to them, which was a big help. I know it wasn´t all that much, but it was nice being able to help out a little bit where we could. A lot of people whos houses were damaged on the street we were working on were only renting so many houses have sort of been abandoned for now.

On a bit of a random note, Ive really enjoyed playing soccer here with the school. Students and teachers and workers of the school play. Its been getting pretty competitive, but ridiculously fun! Thats probably what I´m going to miss most when Im away. But I´ll be back for a week in about a month so I´ll be waiting until then...apparently the mountain school has a feild and a ball up there...so hopefully I can get people motivated enough to get some games giong in between the rain.

I keep meaning to put pictures up, but everytime I head in to do internet stuff, I forget my card reader...so hopefully I can get that done tomorrow morning? Keep fingers crossed!

Miss you all, and hopefully I´ll get a chance to update from the mountains, if not, don´t be worried if you don´t hear from me for two weeks, haha

Much love,


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